Mr. G's Significant Figures OnLine Quiz
Significant Figures Quiz
1. Do not use any spaces in your answer EXCEPT between digits and units (Example: 23.3 mL).
2. Abbreviate units ( m, mL, cm2...).
What is: 34.0 cm x 5.7 cm x 2.800 cm?
How many sig figs in 1,300. cm?
What is the sum of 1.2 cm + 3.78 cm + 45.38 cm?
How many sig figs in 0.0010 mL?
63.20 m / 2.4 m = ?
What is the only digit that is sometimes significant and sometimes not significant.
How many sig figs in: 5.000 mL?
Zeros used as __?__ are never significant figures.
236 cm x 0.23 cm = ?
In 2005 the US population was 285,000,0000 people. How many significant figures in that measurement?
How many significant figures in 30.0110 km?
What is the product of 34.8 cm x 98 cm?
128.36 g / 36.7 mL =
3.50 g/mL
240 m - 2.3 m = ?
13.7 cm - 0.045 cm = ?
The Earth is 93 million miles from the Sun. How many significant figures are in that measurement?
When adding or subtracting measurements in science, always round your answer to the:
Least number of sig figs in your measurements you are working with.
Greatest number of sig figs in your measurements you are working with.
Least precise measurement you are working with.
Most precise measurement you are working with.
There are exactly 100 cm in a meter. How many significant figures in this measurement?
infinte number
Whenever you add measurements you made with your metric ruler you will always round your answer to the nearest:
tenth of a centimeter
hundredths of a centimeter
thousandths of a centimeter
ten-thousandths of a centimeter
23.893 cm x 45.2 cm x 5 cm = ?