Welcome to Ms. Metcalf's

Marine Science Class


General Information:

Marine Science is a challenging course covering all of the topics of Marine Science I listed in the Sunshine State Standards. This course will provide you with an overview of marine environments. It is my goal keep this course interesting, fun, and CHALLENGING. This class counts as science elective credit.


Classroom Policies:

-There will be NO make-up work given for unexcused absences or tardies.

-Late work will not be accepted. Homework is due at the beginning of class.

-Students may only make-up labs for excused absences. This will be arranged as needed.

-The school policy on tardies will be strictly followed (see student handbook).

-It is the responsibility of the student to check the class calendar for make-up work.

-Students are responsible for their own work...CHEATING IS NOT PERMITTED.










In accordance with the Sarasota County School Board policy 20% of your grade is based on employability skills. This grade will be based on the following:


-coming to class on time

-bringing required book, paper, pencils, etc.

-maintenance of class notebook

-completion of homework

-appropriate dress

-attitude of cooperation with teacher and students

-time on task


Extra Credit:

Several extra credit opportunities will be given throughout each quarter. This credit will count towards homework and classwork. Any student with a 90% or better on employability will be given the chance to drop one exam, lab, or project grade each grading period.



Grades will be based on a point system. I will take points earned divided by points possible to calculate your final grade. Based on school board policy, 20% of your grade will be from employability. You will start each grading period with 100 points. Points will be deducted as follows:

4 points Unexcused Absence

2 points Tardy

All other deductions will be deducted by my descretion.


Grading Scale:

100% - 90% A

89% - 80% B

79% - 70% C

69% - 60% D

59% - below F



2 folders with clasps and pockets




Lab Safety:

Lab safety is to be taken very seriously. All of the rules and regulation of the lab will be thoroughly explained in class. Students will not be permitted into the laboratory until they have passed a lab exam that covers all the rules and regulations. Horseplay during lab activities will NOT BE TOLERATED. Students that fail to follow rules in the lab will be asked to stop the activity and will receive an automatic zero for the assignment.


How to Contact Me:

The best way to reach me is by e-mail (jackie_metcalf@sarasota.k12.fl.us). I can also be reached at Sarasota High (955-0181 ext. 64577). Information regarding this class can be found at www.metcalfscience.com.


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