Physical Science
Required Materials
2009-10 School Year.

Please obtain the following materials the first week of school and bring them to class every day.
Please see Mr. Gilliland if you have any problem obtaining these materials.

1. Notebook: 2 inch (or bigger) 3 ring notebook - nothing smaller.

2. Ten tabs (dividers)

3. Pencils and pens (black or blue ink only).

4. Graph paper and notebook paper. You can print out your own by clicking here. Have at least 10 pages.

5. Calculator capable of scientific notation (has an EE or EXP button). Most calculators have this function so don't go out and buy a fancy calculator. If you already have a calculator check for the EE or EXP button - if it appears on your calculator you can use it.

Note: If your parents cannot affort these items please let Mr. Gilliland know and he will do his best to provide them for you.

While it is not mandatory, it would be extremely helpful to have internet access at home. Throughout the year we will be using the internet and having access to the website would prove to be valuable. If you do not have internet access at home you are always welcome to come in before or after school when Mr. Gilliland is in the room and use the computers.

Note: Textbooks are issued at the Media Center - get yours the 1st week of class. Take them bome and leave them there as we have a classroom set in the room for when we need them. Textbooks cost $68 each so please place them somewhere in your room that they will not be damaged by water/little children/animals...