Session description: Students need not be bored when it comes time to review. In this class participants will learn how to combine 3rd party software (freeware to medium priced) with your Activboard to create entertaining, fun Jeopardy-like programs that your students will actually enjoy. Just don’t spoil it and tell them that it’s educational.

Reasons for Using Classroom Games with your ActivBoard:
1) Students become actively involved in their learning.
2) Classroom Games are a great way to reinforce learning.
3) Combines audio and visual learning.
4) Teamwork skills are developed and reinforced.
5) Helps the teacher assess what skills need to be reviewed.
6) Uses technology that students are interested in.
7) A game format is fun - yet educational.
Need more reasons? Click Here.

Free PowerPoint Jeopardy Templates:

Fun & Games: FETC PowerPoint Templates - Several Jeopardy templates - the Large 6x6 Jeopardy is especially nice. Also contains templates for Millionaire and Weakest Link.

PowerPoint Activities - Contains Jeopardy templates, instructions on how to use them, pre made games as well as a Hollywood Squares and Millionaire template.

Stu's Double Jeopardy - Some of the nicest Jeopardy skins out there - this is a fabulous site with beautiful templates and games. Free, of course.

:MC Jeopardy - A multiple choice Jeopardy that looks nice and keeps score.

Educational Resources for Teachers - Jeopardy and Double Jeopardy templates with instructions. Also contains a nice PDF template for planning out your game board.

Microsoft PowerPoint - a wealth of info on everything PowerPoint - including Jeopardy.

Game Templates - Jeopardy as well Pyramid, Squares, Weakest Link and other games.

How to Create a Game board - PDF explaining how to create a multiple choice Jeopardy game board.

Parade of Games in PowerPoint - Over a dozen easy-to-assemble educational game templates, including Jeopardy.

PowerPoint Jeopardy Games:
Jeopardy Games - Over 50 Jeopardy games across the curriculum from Kindergarten to High School. Includes a blank template and directions on how to use it at the bottom of the page.

Elementary PowerPoint Games - Games, templates and instructions for grades K-5.

Jeopardy Games for 5th Graders

Math Jeopardy Grades 9-11

Science Games

100's of Math Review Games

Game Resources

Jeopardy Theme Song

End of Round

InQUIZition is a Jeopardy-like game board that I authored in HyperStudio in 1998 and have been successfully using in my curriculum as a review game. The file below is a template that can be edited with HyperStudio 3 for Mac OS9. The new HyperStudio Legacy Player for Mac OSX allows you to run InQUIZition in OSX. As soon as HyperStudio5 is released I will upgrade it to run in OSX and Windows.

Download InQUIZition (1.8 MB .zip file)

Download Instructions PDF

Hazard - A nice looking Jeopardy board game for teachers, created by a teacher, that keeps score for $19.95.

GameShow Presenter - a very professional, easy to use multiple choice Jeopardy-like game with a host, music and score keeping.

GameShow Presenter Plus - For a little more $ you get an even more powerful program.

Other Jeopardy Games

BYOJeopardy - Build Your Own Jeopardy is a GNU Public Source program. Also available in PowerPoint.

HTML JavaScript Jeopardy - This is a Jeopardy style teaching game written in Dynamic HTML using JavaScript. It may be modified for use on any topic as an entertaining teaching tool to reinforce previously learned material, or simply as a trivia game.

Other Teacher Resources

Student Picker is a simple program I authored in Revolution that picks a student at random. My seats are numbered and if Student Picker picks the seat number a student is sitting in they come to the ActivBoard. This is a stand alone application for Mac OSX. It also speaks as it as picks. Select from 2 to 32 students.
Download Student Picker (2.8 MB .zip file)

January 2008 - Doug Gilliland, Sarasota High School