All the research is done, now it is time to take action. Tackling this local Sarasota issue from Gainesville, about 200 miles away, is going to be a challenge. I am limited to phone calls, emails and letters. The fact that I no longer am a resident of the town will probably weaken the strength of my argument, but I’ll just have to make my argument stronger to compensate for that. In order to bring about change, it must be done with numbers: numbers of voices advocating for a united issue. Instead of just one person pestering the County Commissioners over and over again, if dozens collectively contact the elected officials then they may actually pay attention to our demands.
The most efficient way to communicate information to as many people as possible is via the internet. Therefore, to support the goal of opening Midnight Pass I will create a webpage that provides a wide variety of information and resources for people who are interested in learning more and taking action. Everyone has a responsibility to become an informed citizen, and hopefully this webpage will enable Sarasotans to educate themselves on the history, present state and future of much debated Midnight Pass.
Thursday, March 30th, 2006
Open midnight ...